Category: Uncategorized

  • Posty McPostface

    I have tried starting this entry several times during the last 5-6 weeks or so and every time I have been defeated by one of my core arch nemesis: Writer’s Block. Which isn’t entirely honest of me. It’s more than Writer’s Block. It’s a myriad of symptoms of the thing you’re gonna learn about later,…

  • Florida Man

    It is a fact that I’m a Florida Man. Born and spent the first 3 years there. It counts! The four states that I have spent my life in are Florida, Texas, Michigan, and California. Keep that in mind when my lefty California politics terrify you. You’re gonna want to roll your eyes and think…

  • Red Wording

    “Why did you print the words in the same color as the blood of your messiah that you pretend to drink if they were not the most important of all the Word(s)?” -Dave 24:7

  • Original Sin Pt. 2: Isolationist Anchor Baby Bubbles

    In our last Davestyle history lesson we learned how the Fucking Pilgrims were the original apocalyptic political cult that infected this continent. We learned about how whenever they rubbed everyone in society the wrong way with their obnoxious bullshit that they would either leave or take things over so they can create their own Jesustopia…

  • Original Sin Pt. 1: Illegal Immigrants and the Problems They Cause

    “… We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us.” -Malcolm X There’s nothing Fucking Evangelicals love better (other than Rules) than proclaiming ad nauseam that this is a Christian Nation. Let’s have a Davestyle history lesson about this Christian Nation concept. This is a story about illegal immigrants, traveling uninvited across…

  • Rules, Disclaimers, and Foul Print.

    Alright sheep. Gather round. You’ve been patient with me. You’ve stuck it out this far. And this is probably the last post of the Intro section of our journey here. Maybe one more small post after this (still deciding) before we really get rolling with the narrative. At this point, I’d like to first say,…

  • Heroes

    I once did an episode where the storyline was on why fans shouldn’t admire celebrities because they might be… *checks notes*… self-medicating drug addicts. Interesting that the character was a black basketball player and not, say, a white baseball pitcher. Worth noting. Do I suspect malevolent intent? I do not. But, it’s the little things…

  • Whale Vomit Pt. 3: Out

    Many thousands of years ago, at a trendy seaside resort in the Middle East, a crowded beach is filled with the typical mix of tourists trying to get out of the heat, families having a summer vacation gathering– dad busy trying to figure out how to light the charcoal briquets *new and improved formula from…

  • Whale Vomit Pt. 2 Gordian Knots

    Fucking Nineveh. Btw, as bad as you could imagine being stuck inside a whale is… it’s actually worse than that. Significantly. Exponentially. Worse. Than what your worst imagination is. 0/10. no stars. do not recommend. I should have charged my phone before I jumped thatwassostupid! Whatever. Got no signal anyway. I’m wide awake. It’s dark…

  • Whale Vomit Pt 1: Storms

    Of all the stories I ever heard in church the one that absolutely terrified me more than any other was that of Jonah and the Whale. For the uninitiated of you, gather round. Jonah is this dude. He’s just living life. Probably having a cappuccino and baguette and flirting with the wait staff at the…