Category: Uncategorized

  • Corey

    I have been planning this post for months and of course now that I’ve finally arrived to this point in the narrative… the website is no longer up and the picture I wanted you all to see is no longer available. While this really, really, really sucks for the point I was going to drive…

  • The Fix

    Coming of Age would hit the airwaves the week I turned 14. Not that I knew that. I still never knew when it played and on what stations in my area. Middle school life in my Effin Evangy Kidz™ private school was predictable and cloistered. I dabbled in sports, but as a late bloomer I…

  • The End of an Era

    Once my voice cracked it was a race against time to write Jimmy out of the show. If you have not read the last post you should, because that explains all the trauma of the Fucking Puberty™ issue in the lead up to the end of my time on Adventures in Odyssey. No boy actor…

  • My Favorite Episode

    In the Autumn of 1990 I started 7th grade. I transitioned from the public elementary school in my neighborhood, and went to a private, effin evangy kid middle school instead of the public one. I will credit the evangelical community I was raised in with sufficiently frightening me to the point about public education where…

  • Satanic Panic

    This is the story of the time I met Dr. Dobson. But, of course, before we get to this most notorious of episodes… we must run through more episodes I’ve mostly forgotten. Adventures in Odyssey: Episode 109- Two Sides to Every Story Not much memory of this other than it was fun script and I…

  • Lincoln Pt. 1

    I have been fortunate in my time as Jimmy Barclay to get to perform some epic storylines and episodes. And as we journey through my personal list of the dozen or so episodes that I find to be worthy of study we come to an episode that I would simply define as: The. Episode. As…

  • A White Savior Complex

    There are a few episodes that I regret. Not many. For the most part, I felt most of the episodes I did were fairly tame and harmless in terms of negative consequences. Off the top of my head there are 3 episodes I heavily regret recording. Two were released. One. Was. Not. And since we’re…

  • The Prodigal Pt. 2

    “Focus called. They want you again.” Drive to Pomona. Thru the entryway. Up the big staircase. Hey… there’s more pins in the map. Again. Get my 2.7 packets of hot chocolate. Sugared up and ready to go. Adventures in Odyssey: Episode 48- Heroes I’ve commented briefly on this episode in Heroes so I won’t say…

  • Jimmy Meet World

    “This is your new character from now on…” Adventures In Odyssey: Episode 031- Family Vacation Part 1Adventures in Odyssey: Episode 032- Family Vacation Part 2 It’s been reported that when I first was given the role that would become my greatest claim to fame that I was rather underwhelmed and irked by it. This is…

  • You Pt 1.

    You. Yeah, You! I want to talk about… You. YOU When I first conceived of this project, this post was one of the primary urgent needs to start this whole durned thang. I’ve been thinking ahead to this post for months now. I hope I don’t let myself down…. Usually, I know what I need…