Dreams & Nightmares
This post has nothing to do with the blog… Yet, it has everything to do with the blog. A momentary pause on the Broken Mirror series. This is a brain purge. By a twist of fate that was not planned, I find myself tonight (August 28 2023) in a room at the Capital Hilton 2…
Broken Mirror Pt 2: Holy Therapy, BadMan!
Been putting this one off for months. We are now entering the part of the story where my family takes center stage and this is the primary reason that I’ve been avoiding and dreading this section. Because I don’t want to talk about my family at all. And my family does not want me to…
Broken Mirror Pt 1- Bad Kid School
A curious thing, the mirror. An arm’s length away We gaze upon the reflection And the moment our face is revealed to us The mind ceases to realize That a fragile pane of glass married to a thin film of glazed silver is all it is. That face! That face renders any physical properties the…
One Year Later
I’m going to interrupt our regularly scheduled narrative for a moment of reflection on the One Year Blogiversary of our journey into the Story of Dave. It’s hard to put into words how much has changed in my world since I began this blogject. But one year ago, I sat down at the ole’ laptop…
An Empty Chair
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* So… there’s some challenges writing this next section. And as my acting coach Andrew Benne would say, “CALL BEHAVIOR!!” I use this tactic regularly in my life when there’s anxiety or nerves or messy feelings I don’t want to deal with… voice it. Get it out. Speak the truth you don’t want others to…
Bad. Life. Choices. Pt 1
*walks outside* *sits down on bench in garden* *lights another cigarette* !!ZAP!! been a month since the last attempt visited relatives back east for the holidays dont remember much !!ZAP!! i do not like these medications !!ZAP!! hard to think everything is molasses and i keep !!ZAP!! getting these electric flashes they don’t hurt but…
The Holy Ghost
***** For Readers who have been with this blogject since the beginning this is a unique post. All the way back in the Rules post I mentioned I had been grappling with whether to tell the story thematically where I could jump all around my personal history out of order, or whether to write it…
Shock & Awwwwww
In our last episode, our Intrepid Hero was standing at the doorway of his mental health jail cell holding his pajama pants up lest they fall down since the drawstring had been cut from them and standing in shoes with the laces cut while staring into the eyes of a fellow actor as the effects…
Red Wording Pt 2
SO. Where was I? Oh. Yeah. “Why DID you print the words in the same color as the blood of your messiah, that you pretend to drink, if they were not the most important of all the Word(s)?” Dave 24:7
Thy Name is Earl
I recall the first time I saw his picture on the cork board in the engineering booth. I knew his name by that point because for several years I’d been obsessed about all the supporting character actors on TV and would try to catch names in the credits before they were gone (back in the…