Category: Uncategorized

  • Lincoln Pt. 1

    I have been fortunate in my time as Jimmy Barclay to get to perform some epic storylines and episodes. And as we journey through my personal list of the dozen or so episodes that I find to be worthy of study we come to an episode that I would simply define as: The. Episode. As…

  • A White Savior Complex

    There are a few episodes that I regret. Not many. For the most part, I felt most of the episodes I did were fairly tame and harmless in terms of negative consequences. Off the top of my head there are 3 episodes I heavily regret recording. Two were released. One. Was. Not. And since we’re…

  • The Prodigal Pt. 2

    “Focus called. They want you again.” Drive to Pomona. Thru the entryway. Up the big staircase. Hey… there’s more pins in the map. Again. Get my 2.7 packets of hot chocolate. Sugared up and ready to go. Adventures in Odyssey: Episode 48- Heroes I’ve commented briefly on this episode in Heroes so I won’t say…

  • Jimmy Meet World

    “This is your new character from now on…” Adventures In Odyssey: Episode 031- Family Vacation Part 1Adventures in Odyssey: Episode 032- Family Vacation Part 2 It’s been reported that when I first was given the role that would become my greatest claim to fame that I was rather underwhelmed and irked by it. This is…

  • You Pt 1.

    You. Yeah, You! I want to talk about… You. YOU When I first conceived of this project, this post was one of the primary urgent needs to start this whole durned thang. I’ve been thinking ahead to this post for months now. I hope I don’t let myself down…. Usually, I know what I need…

  • Focus. Focus. Focus.

    “Focus sent you something in the mail…” It was a word. Focus. It became an abstract concept. Focus. It was a place. It was people. It was Adventures in Odyssey. Focus. In fact, for the first 20 years of my relationship with them, Focus on the Family in my brain WAS Adventures in Odyssey. Confession:…

  • Paranoid Humanoids

    Paranoia. It’s an interesting phenomena. Especially when large groups of people experience it collectively and in sync with each other. Let’s see what the Mighty Interwebs teaches us with a quick search: And what’s that underneath? Next to “similar”… persecution complex. Let’s learn about that, too! Let’s talk about why the show existed. What I…

  • Again?!?

    I spent the next two weeks alternating between flying high living off all the endorphins and happy brain chemicals that had jammed all the wiring in my brain and the fear and worry that I hadn’t done a good enough job which is why they had wanted to switch me off the lead character. Wondering…

  • An Adventure Begins

    In Posty McPostface I described how performing in a play in front of 2,000 people was the moment that I found my purpose in life. That’s half true. That was the moment. The time on the stage and glow of mingling with the audience afterwards. I’d never been that happy or free before. With 35…

  • An Odyssey into the Unknown

    I should have been nervous that day. It stands to reason that I would be. I was a nervous kid. Like many evangelical padawans I was terrified of ever getting in trouble or making a scene and was afraid of pretty much everything at all times. But, there was a unique element to my very…