Category: Uncategorized

  • Exodus: Denial Pt. 2- The Saga of the 5 Jobs

    January 1998. An American President said to the whole world: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman….” He was not responding to allegations of child rape. He was not defending himself from accusations that he partied with Jeff Epstein on Pedophile Island (although apparently he did). He was not found guilty of 34…

  • Gratitude and Goals

    Dear Friends and Fans– Frands, Readers, Strangers, And Man With Metal Detector on The Beach in Ancient Fucking Ninevah in Whale Vomit Pt 3…. It’s been an interesting few weeks and months. And I don’t have much to say tonight except… This is the story of: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ME THANKING YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I…

  • A Message on Independence

    We interrupt your haphazardly-scheduled blogramming for this important message about media. I want to talk to you about media. And the role that media plays in our democracy. Our system of government was set up in such a way that Freedom of the Press was the very First Amendment enshrined, remember? Along with that pesky…

  • Exodus: Denial Pt 1

    Fucking Grief™ is a complex psychological journey. And what is Grief? It is the emotional process of experiencing Loss. To have your life catastrophically implode and then to have every support system in your life suddenly vaporize or turn on you right at the worst possible moment when you are at your absolute lowest… you’re…

  • Exodus: Being Wrong™ Pt. 1

    Before the long-awaited Volume The Third narrative gets rolling I want to plant a seed in your mind, Dear Readers. bear with me I want to very briefly talk about Narcissist Personality Disorder.The link has information that is so good I am going to reprint it below because I know most of you don’t click…

  • Red Wording Pt. 3

    ok but seriously Why did you print the words in the same color as the blood of your messiah, that you pretend to drink, if they were not the most important of all the Word(s)? -Dave 24:7

  • Afterthoughts Vol. 2: Hell In My Head™

    Somewhere in the farthest reaches of the universe where no man made telescope optics could ever reach… there is a place called Heaven™. And we’ve discussed how epic the party of all parties is. And we’ve discussed the MegaSwitchBoard™ and how many little lights it has. And we’ve discussed parties that are so amazing that…

  • Afterthoughts Vol. 2: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    *inhales* Sooooooooo here’s the thing about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Of the 3 Hells in My Head… OCD is my oldest frenemy. OCD has been with me far longer and more THOROUGHLY than any of my other ailments. I believe that this is the inherited mental health condition handed down to me by generations of…

  • Afterthoughts Vol. 2: !!!ANXIETY!!!

    Hi. This is a normal sentence. So is this one, and at the end of this sentence there will be a normal bit of punctuation that is appropriate to the content of this sentence. <– See? But, if that paragraph had been written with !!!ANXIETY!!! it would look something like this: HI! THIS IS A…

  • Blogiversary Pt. 2

    *** I had started writing this plea a few weeks ago on the 2nd anniversary of the blog but my experience of asking for help to people with religious backgrounds usually ends with me holding air. And I felt discouraged and I was afraid to ask for help. 3 weeks ago I added a DONATE…