Power of Abuse

There are many who will write reams of words of outrage and faux shock and pearl clutching and CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY DID <insert distraction issue> over the next weeks, months, and years.

And while today is a dark and depressing day for many, there is one group of people absolutely ecstatic that their dreams of apocalypse are one step closer to fruition:

The Fucking Evangelicals™

Why would The Fucking Evangelicals™ be happy and pleased with electing an Abusive psychopath who will surround himself with other Abusive psychopaths and launch 4 years of psychopathic Abuse directed at every vulnerable person and population in this country and around the world?

Because Fucking Evangelicals™ practice and worship at the throne of Abuse.

They are psychologically primed to be Abused AND PRAY FOR MORE.

The entire family of Abrahamic faiths all celebrate Abuse. Cheer it on. Accept it. Insist that Abuse is what is needed and if you fall short of perfection you must be Abused even more. Spare the rod and spoil the child, eh?

The whole structure of that faith system is about living in an Abusive world with Abusive governments and Abusive bosses and Abusive slave owners and to just meekly and cheerfully accept this Abuse because in the afterlife everyone gets a mansion, right?

It’s why the system supports people who believe children should be beaten and whipped and spanked.

“Dare to Discipline” is a concept that makes sense to people who have been raised in Abusive systems and have normalized that Abuse.

“I got spanked and I turned out fine!” says the guy with the emotional support truck with the “Don’t Tread on Me Flag” and MAGA stickers.

But did he? Did that guy turn out fine? Are his ideas of the world fine? Or does he believe everyone should suffer the same Abuse he did?

What are the politics of someone who grows up in constant Abuse?
Politics of compassion and understanding?
Or… Abusive political concepts?

I see a lot of MAGAssholes gleefully waiting for Trump to exact revenge on all their perceived enemies. Does that sound like:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Are we entering an era of compassionate care of the suffering huddled masses?

Or did a bunch of christian voters– who are pathologically and intentionally and gleefully illiterate because of homeschooling and information bubbles of illiteracy– just vote for someone who will Abuse the Least of These?

I was at an event last night and when someone nearby heard I had been in politics they asked, like so many oblivious liberals and progressives do, “Why do christians vote for that man?”

“Because they want the world to end!” I said without a hint of irony or joking.

“….” She looked at me incredulously unable to speak.

“That’s… that’s absurd…” she stammered.

And this is where folks on the left really do not understand what a lifetime of Abuse does to groups of people who have been taught to embrace and thank god for the Abuse they suffer:

Trials and Temptations

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

James 1:2-4

Consider it PURE JOY when someone Abuses you and causes you to suffer. Because this is god testing you and in that testing you will be made more complete.

This is the kind of crap that was shoved down my throat when I trying to get a handle on mental illness. Mental illness that was largely brought into my life as a result OF ALL THE ABUSE I WAS EXPERIENCING.

This is the whole system.

You’re being Abused?


This is how you get slaves to not revolt.

You tell them to rejoice in their suffering because God has a mansion for them in heaven because THEY BELIEVED *waves magic wand*.

This is how you get people to accept the Abuse they suffer at work.

How many weeks in church the theme would be about being a cheerful laborer. About how grinding and showing up again and again would earn you rewards in heaven and how this would turn you into a far better person.


Asking for 8 billion friends.

Does their Abusive system churn out quality humans?

You’ll forgive me for being underwhelmed at the results of all this personal growth the Holy Spirit has worked in these people..

DO FUCKING EVANGELICALS™ prevent the Abuse of others?

Or is their system one that absolutely supports grotesque Abuse of power and upholds the status quo?

It’s not a coincidence that churchgoers vote conservative.

Because their system is not liberal or liberating. It is a system that believes we are in chains and we have to suck it up joyfully because our rest will occur when we die and are scooped up to heaven and all those non-believing libruls and commies will go to hell to suffer… *checks notes*… Abuse.

Notice how children raised with Abusive parents end up in Abusive marriages?

Why is that?

What is that phenomenon?

The normalizing of Abuse is what’s at work here and it’s what the MAGA Oligarchs are exploiting in the Fucking Evangelicals™. Because these folk were raised in Abuse. They were drenched in it. Taught that Abuse is how the world works. When they made mistakes as kids… they were Abused.

When they cried out about that Abuse… they were gaslit by their churches and communities that this Abuse would make them better and stronger.

And so if there’s any group of people primed to be okay with Abuse, to embrace it as a political philosophy, to turn a blind eye and bend the knee to the most Abusive cunts in the history of the world… it is Fucking Evangelicals™.

Because their entire system celebrates and upholds systems of Abuse and says “It’s a Fallen World!!!” And when they say that they are saying they do not believe anything can possibly get better.

Because Satan and his demons own The World™ and they are the ones preventing anything good from ever happening. And therefor there’s no point in worrying about Climate Change or Homelessness or Hoarding of Wealth… that’s just how it is.

And nothing can or will get better until Jesus returns on clouds of cotton candy and rainbows.

And they mean this shit.

Their worldview is incentivized to make everything actively worse.

World Ends = Jesus Returns

So why would they want to make anything better?

They literally don’t believe anything CAN get better.

Which… that’s how someone thinks when they’ve been in an Abusive relationship their entire lives. Let’s look at some symptoms of people who have suffered Narcissist Abuse.

How many of you have had friends trapped in Abusive relationships and they are so beat down ideologically and psychologically that they literally don’t believe anything CAN get better?

Sometimes those people end up thinking it would just be better to end it all.

And isn’t that the same thing?

If people want the world to just end?

Isn’t that…. suicidal?

To vote for someone who intentionally botched a pandemic 4 years ago and the very first thing he did today was sign an order removing us from the World Health Organization… while there’s another pandemic on the horizon?

That’s suicidal as fuck.

And christians are cheering this shit on!


Because these people are victims of Abuse.

So they are susceptible to and have normalized:

Emotional Manipulation
Destroyed Self Esteem (we’re all wretched sinners)
Love Bombing (this is what church does best)

And people who do this to Fucking Evangelicals™ are viewed positively and adored and defended.

Because this what people do when they’ve been Abused their whole lives.

They believe Abuse is Good.

They have a whole book that tells them to react joyfully to Abuse.

So while many of the Left of the political spectrum– who in my experience tend to be empathetic and educated– can’t fathom why Fucking Evangelicals™ would hitch their lives to someone who is clearly an Abuser

They see that Abuse as one step closer to The World Suiciding itself which means their Savior can return.


And these people don’t give a fuck about you or me.

And I don’t mean the oligarchs.

I mean the Fucking Evangelicals™.

They do not care one bit about any of us who aren’t in their Abuse cult.

If we don’t believe in their bullshit and go to their churches and sing their songs about blood washing their inequities away… well then they’re gonna use the government to…

Abuse us.

Because that’s what good Christians

who have been Abused

their entire lives


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One response to “Power of Abuse”

  1. Kim Avatar

    Sadly reminding me of when my mom was in an abusive relationship while insisting she wasn’t and constantly doing things to get abused MORE.

    I don’t understand it, but this rings so true. Devastated for the world my kids are growing up into and that *this* is the president they’ll remember of their childhood.

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