Update 10.9.24

Dear Readers,

My deepest apologies that it’s taken me so long to pick up again. I have some 80-90% written posts that have been stuck in cement since August and my life has become very bogged down and overwhelmed and i haven’t had the bandwidth to dive back in.

I wish I could.

I think about this project all day long every day and how it nags at me that it’s just sitting here all unfinished and shit. MY OCD IS NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT.

So… as much as you want to read it… know that my soul very much wants to put it out there for you.

I don’t really know how to get out from the situation I’m in and so I don’t know how soon I can get back to this.

Possibly next week. Possibly after the election. Possibly after the new year.

My life is very much a life that I don’t have much autonomy over. So, I’m trying to survive and stay as positive as possible with the looming fascism and winter depression and whatnot.

One thing I would like to mention is that this project WILL continue regardless of the election outcome.

Should the Fucking Evangelicals™ win… I will still be here using my voice to fight the cult. I may have to do it from another country.

But a bit of information that was provided to me back in July by CA State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rivas was that he assured the Yolo Dems (he was a our guest speaker this summer) that should Trump prevail or the cheating SCOTUS and House of Redpresentatives hand him an election he lost… the leadership of California “will do everything in our power to Trump-proof the state of California.”

So at the moment I am not preparing to bail to another country like I was in 2020.

And should Kamala win and sanity be restored and if miracles do occur and we can reclaim the House for democracy and finally start impeaching crooked SCOTUSes… SCOTUSi?… worry not for I will still finish pushing out this half-cooked story I’ve been gestating for 35 years.

I will finish the story but the urgency may change.

One other point…

I’m lifting the embargo on the project being posted in fan forums.

2 years ago, when I began this project, I wanted to get at least the main part of the story out before it got spilled to the AIO audience. I was worried about many things like being sued or damaging my reputation with the last bastion of fans who might ever have any interest in my acting but almost certainly won’t once they see me calling them Fuckers™.

But this was who I wrote this goldarndanged thingamafuckitwhatsit for originally.

This was written in the hopes of influencing active AIO fans who are the Fucking Evangelicals™ convinced that this is Ye Olde End Tymes™ and vote for Trump… maybe they would listen to the actor that played Jimmy Barclay.

Maybe I could change a few hundred or few thousand votes in some red states with my tiny influence.

The time to do that is now.

I don’t have much energy for self promotion at the moment…

this is what I could do.

I put this project in your hands now.

Do with it what you think is right.

This is a weapon in the fight for the American democratic experiment.

I’ve tried to teach you all about this cult…

and this is the moment they are about to strike.

Ballots are being mailed out now across the country.

The final few weeks of the campaign are here.

This is my October Surprise™ for the AIO fanbase.

But you, Dear Readers…

It’s on you to deliver it to them.

I wish it were finished.

I refuse to let perfect be the enemy of good

I’ve worked on this for 2 1/2 years with the goal of influencing this election.

I ask you to spend the next 3 weeks spreading this art work in any spaces where you think it could influence Fucking Evangelical™ voters.

Please vote democrat top to bottom, citizens.

We The People are the final check to bring balance to the system.

Please help The Least of These

that our False Idol of Capitalism




My disabled life is literally in your hands on election day.

With Love & Respect

Dave Griffin

A.K.A. Bimmy

Make sure to start them at the beginning… Read Me First.

Please help me complete this blogject.
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2 responses to “Update 10.9.24”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Thanks so much for the update! You have absolutely *nothing* to apologize for. Despite what so many of us were taught growing up—taking loving care of yourself is vital to caring for others. ❤️

    Also, I feel you on the perfect/good/enemy thing. A steady diet of teaching I was meant to give my best to Christ, but also “cease striving,” while at the same time “run the race” as is I’m going for the prize … my poor neurodivergent brain still struggles to feel like I’ve done all I can do, when, surely, I could have done just a little bit more …

  2. David Avatar

    I could only share it to the page Adventures in Odyssey Spoilers because I admin that one. Predictably, people got bent, but I’m not taking it down. Those are the people who most need to read it and start thinking about how they treat other people.

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