We interrupt your haphazardly-scheduled blogramming for this important message about media.
I want to talk to you about media. And the role that media plays in our democracy. Our system of government was set up in such a way that Freedom of the Press was the very First Amendment enshrined, remember? Along with that pesky notion of there shall be no government established religion…
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-Amendment Numero Uno™
So… how’s that Free Press working these days alongside Free Religion?
How many big name US News outlets are running stories about why Biden needs to leave the race?
Let’s click and do some headline hunting and find out:
Seriously… take 5 minutes of your life and click those links and just scan the headlines of the front pages.
Notice anything missing?
Any major stories NOT making headline news?
A thing I want my readers to start paying attention to is what is NOT in the news. What is consistently missing from our platforms that are supposed to educate and inform our citizens about the shenanigans our wealthiest and most powerful people are doing to keep them in check– something they don’t like. Because all oligarchs are narcissists and narcissists do not like being told what to do…
What about these stories?
SCOTUS Immunity Decision
(which yes, this appeared in media, but are you hearing about it as much as Biden’s debate disaster? How many days ago was the ruling-July 1? How many days ago was Biden’s flop-June 27? How many headlines that you see are about Biden and how many about the end of Rule of Law? Quantity and persistency of messaging is the key here.)
And this little ditty that’s resurfaced:
^ Trump sure does like ’em young. This is him raping a 13 year old.
Isn’t it interesting how every single mainstream media outlet is pushing the same narrative?
During my time in Radio Broadcasting School– which is about 2 posts away– I would regularly scan the paper’s headlines when making my news wrap ups. And it was this process, where you see the forest of stories being presented to the public, and how you learn to see what is NOT being reported.
This has become significantly more problematic since almost all of our major media news outlets and platforms have been bought out by oligarchs over the last 20 years.
The reason you will never see anti-Trump content on the Washington Post is because Jeff Bezos wants Trump to be president again. All the oligarchs do. This is why Elon Musk and his merry band of Billionaire Bandits™ spent so many billions of dollars to tank Twitter which was one of the most critical platforms for breaking news worldwide.
Oligarchs do NOT want an informed populace. They want the laws to keep benefitting them and not you. They want voting citizens angry and feeling hopeless. They want you to give up so they can rule over the ashes of the nation they will burn to the ground in their quest for MORE.
And unless we inform each other of what is happening… the oligarchy will destroy this country. They’ve done it before.
Independence… hell of a word.
A free and independent Press was a critical tool and necessary pillar of democracy. Without informed citizens, people will vote against our interests and sabotage our nation.
And THIS is why Moms For Liberty is going after schools and libraries– it’s not actually about trans kids except they don’t know that. Oligarchs use the outrage of the ill-informed to get them to attack things without understanding why.
BTW, speaking of libraries did ya see this sign at a library out of Idaho?
This is the plan. Oligarchs utilize religious institutions which a solid 1/3 of our citizenry bows down to and trust to convince those folk to vote against their own education.
They start this by yanking kids out of schools and homeschooling a religious education instead of a civic-minded education. Keep the kids scared and terrified and always voting how Pastor Johnson & Mom & Dad says.
Then, once your generation of homeschoolers become politically illiterate voting adults, they’ll vote for any politician that hollers about abortion. And they think, “Ah there’s a good and loyal christian!”
Nope. There’s a con artist playing his suckers. The suckers vote for abortion, but the politicians now cut taxes for the oligarchs. The oligarchs use that money to buy up all your media (and housing and politicians) for 2-3 decades now that Anti-Trust legislation has been gutted and Citizens United passed. And so every paper, radio station, tv news outlet, social media platform… it’s all owned by the same group of people who are controlling the stories you are NOT hearing like this one:
Planes Hanging Out Nothing To See Here
So, while I don’t have time to do a full breakdown of this today– I’d like to hang out with the fam, too– I did want to plant a seed in your domes about how to look at and view media. Which is from a forest perspective. Get away from the individual trees. Look at the ecosystem of messaging. Look at how ALL the platforms are basically pushing the same content strategies.
Ethics in journalism went bye bye a long time ago. Now they’re just trolling you for clicks and doing the gaslighting of a nation on behalf of their oligarch owners.
Ya know… the owners George Carlin warned you about all those years ago (google it).
And if you don’t believe me… that the goal here is to keep you stupid, angry, and apathetic enough to stop voting…. here is an article posted today on the 4th of July, the anniversary of our Independence from a monarchist system of governance.
This is what the New York Times– the supposed paper of record in the USA– wants people to consider on this holiest of democratic days:
And right below that article they have this effort where they are trying to recruit people to give them more I-Don’t-Want-To-Vote data so they can write more stories over the next months.
Submit Why You Won’t Vote
So, on this Independence day where we contemplate our dependency on others to educate us about all the evil shit the oligarchs are doing… ask yourself what stories are the oligarchs NOT telling me? What stories does the 4th Estate of our government no longer think are in our interests?
And why?
A man once said:
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost”
– Thomas Jefferson, 1786
Oligarchs have limited your press.
We gonna do anything to get it back?
Willfully living and willfully dying…
it applies to Freedom of Press, too.
Stay informed, Citizen.
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