The Prodigal

This is the journal of the Actor who played Jimmy Barclay.

Many of you may have wondered, “whatever became of that guy?”

My name is Dave Griffin.

This is my story of how a child actor, playing an iconic character on a show produced and distributed worldwide by Focus on the Family, goes from being a diehard Evangelical to a diehard Democrat.

And not just any Democrat.

I’m currently an elected Delegate to the California State Democratic Party and Executive Director of my local county party (Yolo).

How does this happen?

What are the life factors involved?

How does an adherent to the most popular religious community in America– white evangelical christianity– ultimately walk away and join the other side?

Warning: This story will involve some difficult subjects for many who read these pages.



Self Harm.

Severe Mental Illness.

The Abomination of US Health Care.

Religious hypocrisy.


So be warned.

There will be some ugly stuff coming.

Another fair warning:

I swear a shit ton.

Like a literal fuck load of swearing.

I do this intentionally to disrupt people’s pious meter. It’s very common in Evangelical circles to clutch pearls whenever anyone says, “fuck”. This helps me weed out those who care more for surface appearances rather than the deeper integrity of the message.

My goal is to make you uncomfortable.

If it’s uncomfortable for me to write the stuff I experienced…

then you should

Also, one of the larger problems in Evangelical circles is how people will duck the truth if you drop an f-bomb…
















I will make no attempts to fake who I am on these pages.

I have hidden myself long enough.

Largely, because for a long time I’ve been encouraged to stay silent about my journey.

“…it would not be safe for your family if you were to share your story with the public.”

Those words were written to me by one of the head writers of the show I gave 10 years and half my childhood to when I asked for help to rebuild my career and life and pick myself up from the story you’re about to read.

I’ve been told to keep quiet.

And after 45 years on this planet… I’m not gonna do that anymore.

I intend to fucking speak.

And my goal is to use my voice to help tear down the institution of white evangelical christianity and expose this movement for what it actually is:





Lastly, I’d like to explain who the primary audience for this material is.

This project is aimed squarely at the Adventures In Odyssey fanbase who grew up listening to the show and the Adventures of a young Jimmy. Maybe you now have kids yourself and enjoy the show together.

This is for you.

This is also for my political colleagues and constituents should they wander in wondering about my past. But, y’all are secondary. I’ve got unfinished business with my Evangelicals.

And so much of the presentation of this, the language used, will be directly aimed at the white evangelical community.

It’s about to get a little churchy in these parts.

If you’re a lefty, you’re in for a surprise about my childhood affiliations.

And if you’re a white evangelical fan of Adventures in Odyssey, boy, are you REALLY in for a surprise.

Buckle up.

Pour yourself a glass of wodfamchocsod spiked with vodka… (wodfamchocsodVOD?)

Shit’s about to get real.

Oh btw…

before we go any further…

go back and listen to all 3 episodes of Aloha Oy.

Because that’s where this particular adventure begins.


Dave Griffin

A.K.A. Jimmy Barclay
A.K.A. Bimmy Jarclay

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16 responses to “The Prodigal”

  1. Bex Avatar

    Okay… you had me at WodFamChocSodVod. And I think I will be making myself one tonight. Cheers you you, Bimmy Jarcley (and, more importantly, cheers to you, Dave), and to your future posts. I’ll be here reading them. 🥂

  2. Ian Chai Avatar

    Happy birthday, Dave.

  3. Michael Pere Avatar
    Michael Pere

    As a DEVOUT fan of Adventures in Odyssey growing up (always Team Jimmy-duh) who’s now very Democratic/Gay/Expose-The-Cult I couldn’t be more thrilled to stumble upon this blog! I’m so interested to read through these. Thanks for sharing your story and for the work you’re doing!

    1. dave Avatar

      Welcome Michael!

      So wonderful to have you along for the journey. I would love to know your thoughts as you read on 🙂


  4. Shelli Avatar


    — a young, vulnerable kid who listened to cassettes of Adventures in Odyssey in rural Pennsylvania: now older, out, proud, and exvangelical.

    1. dave Avatar



      Rural Pennsylvania’s in the house!

      *places pin*

  5. Charlotte Avatar

    I grew up in a very devout FOTF home, with Brio magazine as my favorite magazine from middle school through THE END of college. I cringe when I look at my upbringing and how it made me a better victim for predators. I was sincere in worshipping Jesus, but people taught me how to see red flags as beacons of God’s glory and approval. I brought up my older kids on Odyssey, of course, and they loved the Barclays the best! They listened to dozens of episodes a week because we payed for the special club. Now as teens, after we’ve all deconstructed, they’re disgusted by the messages in the later years of Odyssey. We’re all eager to read this blog and cheer you on. We’ve come through extreme domestic violence, the kids and I, and are now figuring out the strange new world of normal people.

    1. dave Avatar

      Welcome Charlotte & Kids

      I hope I can deliver a satisfying journey to all! Sounds like you’ve been through it like so many of us.

      I hope you find this to be a healing and positive experience.

      Glad to have you along for the ride

  6. Amber Avatar

    “ I do this intentionally to disrupt people’s pious meter. “

    I love the way you put this. I tend to think that using a swear word when called for, is simply more intellectually honest.

    1. dave Avatar


      Thank you!

      I liked that one, too!

      And yes, this is what I tell people. It’s just more fucking honest.

      Is genocide messed up?

      Or is it fucked up?

      There is a difference between a lie and utter bullshit.

      Swear on!

  7. Andy Avatar

    Just discovered your blog from the Focus on Your Family podcast. I loved AiO as a homeschooled, evangelical kid. I’m now an atheist, out as gay, and almost done with my divorce from my emotionally abusive marriage.

    Love your comments on saying “fuck”. I love cursing now that I’m out. It’s just delightful to let loose a well-crafted expletive. None of my friends who aren’t former Christians appreciate it like I do

    1. dave Avatar

      There is something so crystaline pure… so indescribably righteous… about being able to land a proper fuck the way it was intended.

      We were deprived of it for so fucking long

      I can’t fucking stop.

      I don’t particularly fucking want to, though.

      I’m fucked.

      Eh… fuck it.

      It’s all gonna get fucked up anyways.

  8. Keith Avatar

    Man, the Barclays are the best family in Odyssey! I don’t know what happened yet, but i’m excited to read your story. This means nothing, but as a Christian, I’m sorry for whatever you went through. There’s good and bad everywhere, and it sucks when the good ones get hate. Here we go! Jimmy Barclays latest adventure.

    1. dave Avatar

      Welcome Keith!

      It’s a heckuva journey.

      Glad to have you along for the ride 🙂

  9. Chris Avatar

    Just getting into this at the beginning. I’m in my early 60s, my kids are grown and out of the house, but we all used to listen to Odyssey together years ago. I’m still a Christian in some sense, not an evangelical really, not a church member, but just trying to sort out things in this crazy world. I’m interested in your story, not put off by swearing, and since I found this site by way of the “Focus On Your Own Family” podcast I’ll be listening to you there as well. Good luck in all your endeavours going forward. Lots of guts to be candid with your story as well as entering into public service.

    1. dave Avatar

      Welcome Chris!

      So lovely to have you onboarding the story the proper way 😎

      Thank you so much for reaching out and saying hello! Appreciate all who find their way into this journey and willing to put in the time and enerfgy to listen to what I have to say.


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